Love this shade of pink! The pleats on the shoulder and back, the way it falls so beautifully. Pink Mohair just envelopes you in delicious warmth. Bring back pink Mohair....
Remember Lana Turner, surely some of you are old enough to remember Lana Turner. I found this Pink Mohair Jacket in my favorite little shop Honeysuckle Hollow in Hendersonville. I can just see some tall (not me) elegant lady wearing this jacket to a symphony performance or a play like "Imitation of Life". Loved Lana Turner...
Ok, I wasn't even born yet when her reputation as a glamorous femme fatale was enhanced by her performance in the
film noir The Postman Always Rings Twice (1946) but my sister and I love to watch old movies together. I felt so honored that my older sister would want to spend a Saturday night with me instead of going dancing with her "honey".
Hope to have this in Sabrina's Etsy shop soon. She has some other things on her plate right now, like home schooling, getting a teaching degree, being children's minister for her church, and oh last but not least a Navy wife. Well, someday...
And these little shoes, found in a thrift store are that same wonderful shade of pink. Love the little button on the side. Linking this post to
Pink Saturday, when you go over there check out
the little pink number by Ralph Lauren.